Privacy statement

Smart Industry Recruiters is committed to safeguarding your privacy. When you visit the website, we may ask you for certain information, such as contact information, telephone numbers, your email address, your location and the name of your organisation.


This information is stored on our customer database. The database enables Smart Industry Recruiters to provide you with any information you request from us or consent to receive. We may also use your personal information to track activity on the website. We do this in order to serve you better, as we understand how you and other visitors use it.


From time to time, we would like to use the information you supply to us for the reasons below:

  • market research
  • responding to feedback
  • informing you about our services
  • ensuring that content is displayed in a way that is most effective for you and your computer.

Your information can be shared with affiliate companies to enable them to send you information which may be of interest to you (where you request such information) or to contact you regarding a query. We do not otherwise disclose information about your individual visits to the website or information which identifies you to any third parties, unless we have your prior consent or are required by law, local regulators and law enforcement officers. If Smart Industry Recruiters merges with, acquires, or is sold to another firm, or goes into bankruptcy, we may share files and email records with our business and merger partners.


We will only use your information for the purposes set out above, if you have indicated that you wish us to use your information in this way. Additionally, if at any time you wish us to stop using your information for any or all of the below purposes, please let us know by sending an email to We will stop the use of your information for such purposes as soon as it is reasonably possible to do so. If you wish to change your information submitted to us, it can also be done by sending an email to the address above.


If you have any queries about our privacy policy, feel free to contact us via


This policy may be amended by at any time. Such amended policy shall be effective upon posting on this website. Please check the policy published on this website regularly to ensure that you are aware of all terms governing the use of your information.